Como configurar un modem movistar como repetidor
Como configurar un modem movistar como repetidor
How to configure a router in bridge mode (movistar)
Imagine that you buy a very powerful neutral router, which is much better than the movistar router, as it allows you to connect more devices at once, has a greater wifi range, has higher transfer speed, has better management tools, etcetera.
To make the most of a neutral router the ideal is to put the movistar router in brigde mode, this way we transfer all the network management to our new powerful router, leaving the movistar router as a mere transmitter of information.
This tutorial applies to the Movistar HGU Mitrastar model, the bridge mode of the Movistar router works for any neutral router of any brand, in order to transfer all the weight of the network and do the management by itself.
Now go back to the “advanced configuration” section and go to “Wan service”. You will see that 3 different Vlan appear. Basically vlan 3 is the VOIP phone, vlan 2 is for the IPTV television and vlan 6 is the Internet data vlan, which is the one we are interested in.
Movistar: smart wifi router installation in 3 steps
It is important that you know how to access the configuration of your router, since, through it, you can access the Movistar router configuration to modify some advanced settings. Some of them:
You just have to download the app on your cell phone or tablet to change the name. The Smart WiFi mobile app is available to all Movistar Fusión customers and those who have contracted a Movistar fiber optic package. Follow the steps:
Access through the browser to the Alejandra Portal to open router ports, configure your local network, save various router settings, give WiFi to your guests using a QR code, predefine ports for game consoles or update firmware.
Internet connection is slow and you don’t know why? In that case, there are a number of steps you can take to optimize it. First of all, if you have the Smart WiFi App downloaded on your cell phone, access the “My network” section. Inside you will have two options: “WiFi Optimization” and “Speed Test”.
How to configure the movistar router in bridge mode
Router 3G Movistar ASL 26555 yang dapat digunakan sebagai router ADSL, router 3G dengan menggunakan modem, WiFi, dan sharing printer maupun HDD eksternal. Movistar ASL 26555 menggunakan OS OpenWRT yang dapat dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan.
Pada umumnya modem bawaan dari TELKOM SPEEDY memiliki kualitas rendah : kecepatan rendah, processor lambat, dan gangguan sewaktu telepon masuk internet suka putus sendiri. Solusi untuk mengatasi hal ini adalah dengan mengganti modem ADSL yang lebih bagus seperti Movistar ASL 26555.
Router 3G Movistar ASL 26555 menggunakan operating sistem berbasis Kernel Linux, OpenWRT. OpenWRT menyediakan filesystem yang dapat dimodifikasi/writeable sehingga memudahkan developer untuk menggunakan router sesuai dengan keperluannya.
Movistar: how to install the smart wifi amplifier
Press and hold the button on the back of the router where it says “Wifi Plus / WPS” until the front light of the router where you see an antenna with a “+” symbol turns off. This will temporarily disable the 5GHz network also named with PLUS termination.
Once the synchronization is complete, press the “Wifi Plus / WPS” button again until the front light of the router where you see an antenna with a “+” symbol lights up. This way you will leave your router as when you started.
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